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Service Dog Training Application

Best Dog Daycare in Pottsville, AR

r and r kennels pottsville


    School Information

    (if applicable)


    Have you ever raised a puppy before?

    Have you ever raised a puppy with the intent to become a service dog?

    Lifestyle Information

    (to be completed by parent or guardian if under 18)

    You currently reside in a:

    Your residency currently has a

    Please list all other people living in your home.

    Include: Name, Relation, Sex – M or F, Date of Birth

    Have you ever owned a dog?

    Do you have any current pets?

    Include: Breed, Name, Age, Sex

    Is anyone in your home allergic to dogs or pet dander?

    On a scale of 1-5 (1 = low, 5= high), describe your:

    Additional Service Dog Help

    Who will help you with the dog’s care if you are sick and cannot get outside:

    Do you have any concerns regarding owning a service dog?

    Do you agree to participate in all instructions given by trainers with consistancy?

    Are you willing to participate in ongoing training sessions after receiving a service dog?

    Will your family accept a trained dog as an equal partner in your house?

    The information on this application is correct to the best of my knowledge.

    R & R Logo

    Dog Daycare, Boarding & Training in Pottsville, AR.

    Hours of Operation

    Mon - Fri  7am - 6pm

    Sat & Sun 9am - 3pm

    Contact Us

    Call Us: (479) 777-0974

    E-Mail Us: Click Here

    606 Edwards Rd. Pottsville AR.

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